Fire Damage Cleaning & Rebuilding

Fire Damage Cleaning

The disaster of fire itself, its obvious dangers and traumas, may seem to be the end of your property as you have known it. This is by no means the case in many, many situations, skilled professional cleaning and restoration can bring your home or business premises ‘back to life.’

The time frame is very important. Smoke and ash are acidic and the longer they are allowed to remain on the surfaces that they settle on, the more the depth of corrosion that will happen. These also carry the bulk of the powerful smells.

Contacted in good time, professional fire and smoke cleaners can stop much discoloration and corrosion.

Removal of soot and smoke grime from walls, floor and ceiling in good time, can prevent dis colouration and begin to remove odours.

Experts can assess which materials, from clothes and curtains to metals and plastics, which can be cleaned and salvaged, and those which will need replacing. Even carpets can be ‘resuscitated’ by these experts, but time is of great importance. The toxic effects of ash and soot are multiplied day by day if left.

Initially, anything that ash touches will start to discolour, and the clock starts to tick. Metal can show tarnish, and if untreated, walls and ceilings will discolour permanently after a few days, metal may begin to corrode.

Professional fire damage cleaning will always be the best step forward from the disaster of fire.

Expert cleaning, and knowledgeable use of various types of technical detergents which can remove odours, and prevent their re-appearance with future climatic changes.

Overall, the emphasis is on bringing in the professionals as soon as possible, ideally within hours of the event. Cleaning, restoration, decontaminating and deodorising when left to the experts can help to make a traumatic experience a little less unpleasant.